Thanks to the range of finishes and solutions, together with the very essential design, Armida interprets every kind of lifestyles. The structural design of the Armida allows the uprights to transfer weight to the floor enabling the system to support substantial loads.

Geometric purity and simple lines in this bookcase standing on bare, light steel uprights which lend an almost ethereal look.

Designed to utilize the entire floor-to-ceiling space, the Armida bookcase adds style and practicality to any environment. The sturdy and adjustable poles allow for a secure and stable installation, easily adapting to different heights. The metal structure ensures strength and durability over time.

The leather or leather-upholstered version of the chair adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to the environment. These high-quality materials not only offer an elegant appearance but also ensure exceptional durability over time. The natural surface may exhibit variations in color and texture, giving each chair a unique and distinctive character. Similarly, leather, being equally prestigious, adds an element of rustic charm and elegance. With the leather or leather-upholstered version, the chair becomes a work of art that combines comfort, durability, and refinement, perfect for enhancing any space with a timeless touch of class.

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